Therese Raquin – 2017 Tour
Therese Raquin – 2017 Tour

Therese Raquin – 2017 Tour

Therese Raquin

Dirty Pretty Theatre & Critical Stages

Role: Set Designer

Director: Gary Abrahams

Costume Design: Chloe Greeves

Lighting Design: Katie Sfetkidis

Photos: Jeff Busby

Quotes from Reviews:

“Stylistically, this production comes across as very Chekhovian. The set and costumes, by Jacob Battista and Chloe Greaves, very much of the realist school, which was a wise choice on the part of director; Gary Abrahams. The realism of the set allowed it to fade into the background, which afforded a much greater focus on the wonderful cast, without too many distracting effects. Although, having said that, the set left the most marvellous impression of a cross between Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd, and the BBC/PBS series Sherlock, adding a touch of mystery and danger throughout the play.” – Australian Stage

“There is lots to like in this elegantly playful trip into the past. Jacob Battista’s set is a grimey marvel, the story acted out inside a shop-cum-dwelling with one half of the stage the retail shopfront, the other a boudoir.” – The Plus Ones

Jacob Battista’s detailed realistic set creates a claustrophobic atmosphere, and without smelling the damp of the tiny Parisienne apartment, those of us who need little prompting to do so, smell it anyway. An angled glass ceiling gives the impression that escape is so near, yet so far away, and the future is indeed, as blurred and as bleak as the grimy windows would have it appear. The transition (and transformation) of the bedroom to the waterway is old-school, cleverly utilising the bed, and with a great deal more smoke, the effect of gliding across the surface of the water would be magical. Remember the first time you saw the Phantom of the Opera take Christine down into the belly of the opera house and across the lake in a gondola? With a little imagination, that’s the effect here; it’s well executed without the mechanical magic.” – XS Entertainment